
MDS offers a variety of form field components, including text inputs, data inputs, and selects. As they share multiple characteristics, we use this page to describe them all in one place.

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Fields enable users to enter data or select it from predefined options. They can be used to build Forms, settings screens, or as stand-alone components.
Selecting proper form components is crucial for a smooth form’s user experience. The component should always fit the purpose and allow the user to provide an answer as quickly as possible.

In MDS, we provide various fields, including text inputs, data inputs, and selects.


Text Inputs

Inputs are free-form fields that require users to enter the data themselves. They should be used when predicting or offering alternative answers is impossible.


Data Inputs

These components allow users to provide data in a specific format.


Selection controls

Selection controls provide users with pre-defined options for easier and quicker data entry.